A client yesterday said to me, “I’m getting a lot better at changing the channel.” She wasn’t talking about television. She was sharing her experience of feeling progress towards being able to shift the story of what she was telling herself. She knows how to tell herself the narrative that she should have a partner. Or she should have more exciting weekend plans. Or she should have a whole community of friends available to her at a moment’s notice.
These are old stories, of course. Stories many of us carry that were generated by programming from society, parents, and external factors. Stories that seem true because we do want a partner, exciting weekend plans, and a supportive community.
However, it’s so vital to learn to recognize the energetic difference between retelling old narratives of the person we think we should be, versus feeling the inspiration and faith to create what we want in the world. The former runs a sense of ongoing shame and the feeling that we are failing somehow at our own life. The latter gives us energy and drive to remain engaged with our personal creative power.
As human beings, we have the remarkable experience of being Spirit incarnated into a physical body. Your Soul is the individuated spark of the Great Creator. We can call this God, Source, The Divine, or The All That Is. The name you use is your choice. The universal laws that govern this force are not. :)
The inalienable nature of The Divine is to create. Source is creating in every single moment of its divine existence. As a spark of this Source energy, you are also creating your experience in every single moment. Every thought, word, and deed is an opportunity for divine creation. And because there is no ‘patriarchal God’ separate from you that is judging your creation, you also have unlimited freedom in what you choose to create.
You can create absolutely anything you want!! You can create shame or hope. You can create failure or opportunity. You can create old stories or you can create new narratives of possibility.
I laugh because there was a time when I would have read this and said— “Well, sure, I can pick new thoughts, but that doesn’t mean that anything in my life will change.”
FALSE. And it took me a long time to really understand that. Our thoughts are literally creating our emotions, experience, and actions. When we tell ourselves an old story that creates shame, it generally results in inaction because we can’t access faith in our power to change our circumstances. However, when we choose a new belief system based on our Oneness with Source, we have the phenomenal Creative Power of the same essence that created the entire universe!!! Wow. There is no way to over exaggerate this, folks.
Often, you hear me talking about how we need to accept our humanness, our messiness, and our existence in duality. Yes. This is true. However, acceptance has the capacity to coexist with Divine Knowledge about our creative abilities.
I laugh because this is the paradox. We are unlimited in our power, while also in a physical body that has limitations. The important piece is to know where you are in the spectrum of the paradox. While some are in a place where they need to surrender to limitations, PLENTY of us are really in a place where we are not accessing a fraction of our personal power and creativity.
The first step is to believe in your creative power. This is where an understanding of spirituality is so impactful. When you understand who you really are, you know that you share the same creative potential of Source. You know this because you know that you are Source energy.
Sigh. Sit back and surrender to this knowing. You are Source. You are the same ineffable and phenomenal force that created the Universe. And with this birthright, you are the miracle of continuing to create in every single moment with every thought, word, and deed.
So what are you creating? Are you creating a narrative of the truth of who you are? Of your power, of your love, and of your growth? Are you feeling expansion and inspiration that you are on a phenomenal journey of learning how to create your most intimate soul desires in a physical 3D reality?
I hope you are. I hope you are because these narratives allow us to really enjoy life here on Earth. Yes, there will be challenges, but by the grace of God there will also be one heck of a lot of Divine Creative Possibility. And this is why we came here in the first place.
Kelley Neumann